Finnovation magazine

Interview Nemanja Majdov
THE COIN THAT BROUGH HAPPINESS The COIN that was tossed in the air of their boy’s room spun at high speed. After two seconds it fell on the floor. “Heads”, said Ljubiša. “It’s going to be Nemanja”, father’s voice said. The decisive life moment of the judo world champion, who just a few days ago […]

Interview Milica Starović
Unexpected change of plans – A wedding instead of Tokyo! The year 2020 was unpredictable for trophy kayaker Milica Starović, so instead of going to Tokyo for the Olympic Games, she got engaged and married her colleague, Antun Novaković, a kayaker from Croatia. Before the new cycle of competition, while filming an advertisement of Vojvođanska […]

Interview Aleksandar Šoštar
We will be competitors for the biggest placement at the Olympics next year He is one of the few athletes who had the good fortune to win all possible trophies for which he played during his sports career, but also to become a member of the Hall of Fame after the end. All world media […]